Console Commands

  1. Create New Application
    bin/console vankosoft:application:create
  2. Widgets Management and Installation Info Commands
    1. Load Widgets into Widgets Registry
      bin/console vankosoft:load-widgets
    2. Update Installation Info
      bin/console vankosoft:install:info update
  3. User Management Commands
    1. Create User
      bin/console vankosoft:user:create <username> <password>
    2. Change Password of Existing User
      bin/console vankosoft:user:change-password <username> <new_password>
  4. Making Resources
    1. Make a Resource
      bin/console vankosoft:make:resource-entity TestEntity
      bin/console vankosoft:make:resource TestEntity
    2. By Default Resource Maker Create Resources in Admin Panel. Making Resource For an Application:
      bin/console vankosoft:make:resource TestEntity --application=test-vankosoft-application
    3. Make a Taxonomy Resource
      bin/console vankosoft:make:resource-entity TestEntity
      bin/console vankosoft:make:taxonomy-resource TestEntity
  5. Making Themes
    1. To Create Theme From 'ApplicationSimpleTheme'
      bin/console vankosoft:make:theme 'Test Maker Theme'
    2. To Create Theme From 'ApplicationThemeWithRegistrationAndProfile'
      bin/console vankosoft:make:theme 'Test Maker Theme' --clone-theme=ApplicationThemeWithRegistrationAndProfile
  6. Other Commands:
    1. List All Sylius Resources:
      bin/console sylius:debug:resource


      bin/test-vankosoft-application sylius:debug:resource